Here at LT we figured out a way to keep it clean AND still stay green!!
Tereaforé products are made from 100% biodegradable, plant-based materials, which means they not only provide a safer living environment, but they’re also more environmentally friendly. We use Tereaforé cleaning products daily, hourly, minute by minute in our classrooms. Your children deserve a clean world and a clean classroom to explore and play in, without any harsh chemicals in the air!
On top of using our eco-friendly and green cleaning products… We have a ZONO machine in all five of our locations and we truly couldn’t be happier with how safe they keep our centers. The ZONO kills 99.99% of common viruses on non-porous surfaces and 99.9% of common bacteria on non-porous and semi-porous surfaces. The ZONO is very eco-friendly by utilizing a combination of process control, ozone concentration, humidity, and time to achieve consistent and U.S laboratory confirmed disinfection and sanitization levels.