Fun & Safe Halloween Activities to do at home!

Halloween is approaching fast and we wanted to share with you some fun activities you can do to celebrate Halloween in your home with your families!

Here are five activities for you and your family to get into the Halloween mood:

  • Make a jack-o-lantern

Depending on the age of your children, you can decide how you should make your jack-o-lantern! If it is painting the pumpkin or digging in and carving the pumpkin – we can’t wait to see how yours turns out! Either way, during your activity time encourage your child to be creative! You can download and print stencils online to help guide your pumpkin carving.

  • Make a creative mask

Even if it is not for trick-or-treating, decorating a mask can be a fun way to get your kids into the holiday spirit! All you need is a piece of paper (any color), string, hole punch or scissors, and any type of materials your child would like to use to decorate their mask, such as; markers, crayons, paint, stickers, etc. Your child will now have the freedom to create their mask however they choose! Once their mask is created, depending on their age, you may need to help assist with the eye holes and holes for the string to go through to be able to tie the mask around their head.

  • Set up a scavenger hunt

Take some Halloween themed items like plastic skeletons, pumpkins, teeth, etc. and hide them around your yard or inside your house – kind of like a Easter egg hunt! You can make a list for them to follow and carry around with them to know what they are looking for. This is a great way to get your kiddos outside to get some fresh air but also get into the Halloween spirit. You can reward them for their discoveries with healthy snacks or a fun treat!

  • Dress up like the characters in your favorite Halloween movie

Let your child pick out their favorite Halloween movie and take the time together to make a fun costume! You don’t need to go out of your way to buy a lot of materials for this. Have some fun with it and go through your closets and craft supplies to make a unique Halloween costume together! A fun reward after putting together your costumes, could be to wear them and watch the movie together with some delicious popcorn or some pumpkin seeds from the jack-0-lantern you may have created!

  • Bob for apples

Where this activity may be slightly easier for children who are a tad other, it is still possible for multiple ages! For younger children, you could tie a string to the apples and instead of putting your head in the water to bob for the apples, have them use their hands to grab the string and pull the apples up. OR have your children hold their hands behind their backs and encourage them to grab the sting with their teeth to try and pull up the apples. This is a great way to bring some laughs and memories into your home!

We would love to hear some of the Halloween activities your family likes to do at home during October! Comment below to share some of your favorites!