Growing Lifelong Learners

One of our Core Values is “Growing Lifelong Learners”, we wanted to take the time to share with you some of what we do at The Learning Tree, where we are dedicated to fulling this Core Value!

HighScope Curriculum 

  • Each day, children are experiencing a program that has complete intentional teaching practices, defined content areas and assessment tools for each age group. The Highscope Curriculum encompasses the classroom environment and learning materials, the daily routine and the way teachers engage in the children’s learning. Children and teachers follow a consistent daily routine that encourages open ended activities and interactions independently and as a group. The Highscope Curriculum offers children the opportunity for hands-on learning each and every day that allow kids to be kids: to get messy, to investigate their world, and to have fun doing it. 

Weekly Theme Based Lesson Plans 

  • From the book of the day, to the art project, to the science activity, our days are planned with the weekly theme in mind. Children learn best if they are surrounded by a single concept which allows for freedom to bring their own perspective to our themes. 

Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) 

  • Materials in the classroom and the curriculum are age appropriate for our young learners. We find a balance of challenging them while making sure they can succeed at the same time. 

The WHOLE Classroom 

  • Curriculum is not only the books that we read and the letters that we learn. Curriculum begins from the moment a child walks in the door to the time they leave. Often times our curriculum continues during the car drive home and around the dinner table as parents ask questions about their child’s day. From each item that is on the shelf, to planned and unplanned experiences to each part of the daily routine, children are learning and growing. 

Assessments with Goals 

  • Measuring each child’s growth is key to a successful education. That is why teachers pay careful attention to how children are progressing and document what they observe. This portfolio is updated throughout the year and shared with parents at family conferences in the spring. We understand that each child develops at their own pace so as we see specific developmental needs we make sure our lesson plans have activities that allow them to strengthen those skills. 

Embrace Literacy 

  • Literacy is everywhere in our center. Each center has hundreds of books that children and teachers can use. Books belong in all the learning centers- not just the book area. We strive to make literacy part of every center and every learning environment. 

Outdoor Play 

  • We believe that our playgrounds and surrounding outdoor spaces are an extension of our classrooms and that is why our children go outside at least twice a day. You will often find teachers doing art outside, reading books under a tree or serving lunch at our picnic tables. We have found that fresh air eliminates illnesses in our classrooms, allows children to sleep better and offers experiences beyond their classroom walls.

Onsite Field Trips 

  • Several times a year we bring petting farms, magicians, singing groups and other “special” visitors to The Learning Tree to provide the children with unique experiences and hands on activities. Not only are these field trips fun for the children but they offer educational opportunities that the children may not normally encounter.

We are proud of our curriculum and what we do at The Learning Tree to truly say we are growing lifelong learners and we love watching all our children grow. Be sure to check out our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram to see first hand LT children growing!