Guest Writer; Jessica Griffin: Favorite Christmas Movies!

Its that time a year again, the holiday season and what better way to immerse your self in the season then to watch Christmas movies. Who doesn’t like cozying up on the couch with your fuzzy blanket and fresh baked cookies, and putting on your favorite Christmas movie.

With so many movies to choose from everyone is likely to have their own top favorite Christmas movies, so here is a couple of my top favorites starting with elf staring Will Ferrell. It starts out with a baby  named buddy in a orphanage who crawls in to Santa’s bag of toys on Christmas Eve and goes for a ride to the North Pole and ends up growing up there, he then goes on a quest to New York to find his real dad and along the way he finds himself in some fun and entertaining situations. I love this movie because how humorous it is and how excited buddy is about Christmas, also there’s a scene were he eats spaghetti with syrup and candy on it that’s one of my favorite parts.

Another Christmas movie that I like to watch is Klaus, its about a postman that gets sent to a town way far away from and town or big city and he has to deliver mail in order to go back home. The village has had a ongoing feud for centuries so no one there likes each other and likes to play pranks on each other. So when the post man arrives a small child in a dark and gloomy house drew a picture and it the post man grabbed it and took it with him, he then went deep into the woods for one last stop he met Klaus and Klaus saw the picture and saw how sad the child was in the picture so he decided to make the child a toy. The post man and Klaus delivered it and child loved it so they continued making toys and delivering them. I like this movie because it talks about how one act of kindness can spark another and that’s what happened when they dropped the first toy off. They could see how being kind and helping out children brought so much joy thus the village picked up on it and all did an acts of kindness, then they all came together as one happy village.

My other favorite movie is How The Grinch Stole Christmas, this movie is about a character called the Grinch and he is not a fan of Christmas at all and wants no part of it and wants no else to enjoy it either. So on Christmas Eve night he goes to the town he lives by and steals all their Christmas decorations and supply’s and hides them but then a sweet girl named Cindy Lou who showed him what the true meaning of Christmas is and in the end he starts to enjoy Christmas and not have such a negative attitude towards it. I like this movie because it talks about how Christmas isn’t always about the presents and decorations but it’s about being with the people you love and enjoying each other’s company.

Another movie that I enjoy around the holidays is called Santa Claus, and the movie is about a son and his father on Christmas Eve night they hear thump coming from the roof and a loud scream, and they went to go check outside when they see that Santa has taken a tumble off the roof and disappears. The only thing left behind is the reindeer and the Santa outfit so the father then puts the Santa outfit on and becomes Santa, him and his son now half to save Christmas and hide the secret that the father is the new Santa Claus while also having to now live in the North Pole. I enjoy this movie because it shows that your never to old to believe in Santa, and that everyone can have the Christmas spirit.

My last favorite movie is called A Christmas carol, and it is about an older gentle men who is against Christmas and does not have the Christmas spirit. Then one night a ghost from Christmas past comes and pays him a visit, he then takes him on a journey to see his Christmas past, present and future to show him how a little Christmas spirit can go along away. I enjoy this movie because it shows you how Christmas isn’t just about getting things for Christmas or things that you want from Christmas. It is about the people around you and how your spending time with them and bringing joy. These were my top five favorite holiday movies, maybe some of these are your favorites as well. Enjoy the holidays and watch some Christmas movies!