Introducing 3pm Mini- Meals!

We are so happy to announce an update with The Learning Tree’s menu.  As part of our partnership with Sarah Remmer, Registered Dietitian, she completed a full audit on our menu and provided us with a lot of feedback on how we can be better, and additionally gave feedback that we have one of the most impressive menus she has seen for childcare centers!
We have tweaked some menu items over the last few months, and the first big update we are making is with our 3pm snacks.  Sarah recommends that children should eat a full snack at 3pm, rather than grazing a lighter snack, so that they are ready for a full dinner at home. Starting June 20th, this snack will now be more of a “minimeal.”  This means that they are more protein rich,  include carbohydrates and have more variety than before.  With this minimeal update on our menu, Sarah recommended not serving an additional 5pm snack.  She explained that serving this additional snack makes children less likely to eat a full dinner at home.
Over the last few weeks, our team of chefs have tested new 3pm minimeals and we have been taste testing them. We have all approved, with two thumbs up, of each addition and we know the children are going to love them.
We are excited to implement 3pm minimeals starting June 20th. 

Summer Camp Registration Now Open

We’re thrilled to announce our Summer Day Camp Program. Spaces are limited and fill up FAST! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity for an unforgettable summer at The Learning Tree!