LT Gardens are THRIVING!

One of our Core Values at The Learning Tree, is ‘Teaching a Green Lifestyle‘ and one of our favorite ways to do this is through our gardens that we have at EVERY Learning Tree location. At each of our locations we have teachers who are our Garden Resident Experts and take care of our gardens. We are very lucky to have such a hardworking group of Garden Resident Experts to have such beautiful gardens this year.

Check out some of our recent pictures of our gardens! 









Not only is gardening a huge benefit to teach children at a young age, gardening also provides better nutrition. Did you know that healthy, nutrient-dense food comes from plants grown in healthy soils harboring helpful microbes alive and working hard to help produce tasty, nutritious fruits and vegetables?!

When you grow your own garden, you have the ability to manage your soil with the addition of compost, minerals, nutrients and biochar all from organic sources that will build up in the biological life in your soil which will turn support and feed your plants giving you the most nutrition possible.

Since we grow our own gardens full of delicious fruits and vegetables, our cooks are able to add these nutritious foods in our homemade meals. We LOVE adding cooking from our garden to our lesson plans and not only teaching the children about living a green lifestyle but having our cooks partner with us and step in and teach them about cooking.

We are so grateful to have such AMAZING gardens and be able to teach children at an early age about living a green and healthy lifestyle. Be sure to check out our social media pages as we share more pictures from our gardens and cooking in our classrooms!

Summer Camp Registration Now Open

We’re thrilled to announce our Summer Day Camp Program. Spaces are limited and fill up FAST! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity for an unforgettable summer at The Learning Tree!