LT Gardens & Why We Love Them!

Did you know at the Learning Tree we teach children about the benefits of healthy organic gardening? 

During the warmer months teachers and children take a trip out to our gardens where they learn everything from planting and watering to harvesting vegetables.   At the Learning Tree we love giving our children the opportunity to get out and explore and truly learn just where our food comes from.  What better way to learn and explore than through using our own hands to dig in the dirt, use a watering can and pick the product of all our hard

Beyond the garden children help in creating the markers for each of our plants during the spring as well as help to clean and cook our veggies as we harvest them to share together as a healthy treat. 

All summer long we enjoy great, fresh healthy vegetables picked from our own gardens in our classrooms using creative and healthy recipes to introduce new veggies in fun and interesting ways.  The children at the Learning Tree take great pride in all of their hard work and love sharing it with everyone.