Teacher’s Going Above and Beyond

Our teachers are always working hard to come up with new, creative and unique activities to continue the growth of their class. We would love to show off some of the recent projects that really stuck out and give a little shout out to some of our teachers across all five Learning Tree locations!

An awesome learning opportunity in Pre-K!

  • Our Pre-K Teachers at LT-West, Ms. Connie & Ms. Emily got creative to have their class explore nature with hatching Praying Mantis’ and butterflies! They brought in some natural materials in their classroom to extend their learning!

Creative Sensory Bins!

  • Our Pre-K teachers from LT-Howell got creative and created an awesome science sensory bin with pipettes and measuring cups for the children to explore!

Unique Art Work!

  • Ms. Molly from LT-South Lyon got extra creative last week and created fun Clay Mosaics with her class! The children got to explore using their fine motor skills by feeling the texture of clay and marbles and by getting creative to choose exactly how they would like to create their clay mosaic. Way to go Ms. Molly!

GSRP Teachers Creating Maps!

  • Our GSRP teachers from LT North; Ms. Aiyanna and LT South; Mr. Matt & Ms. Stephanie got creative and made maps for children during planning time and recall time to show their teachers where they wanted to work! Very creative and such a great way to show children how to use a map!

Name Recognition!

  • TPS teachers from LT-Howell; Ms. Hilary & Ms. Kimmy have been working on name recognition with their class. They got creative and started incorporating popsicle still planning. The children love seeing which name will be picked to Plan/Recall next!

Summer Camp Registration Now Open

We’re thrilled to announce our Summer Day Camp Program. Spaces are limited and fill up FAST! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity for an unforgettable summer at The Learning Tree!