Tips from Sarah on Picky Eaters

Raise your hand if your little one is going through a picky eating phase. I’ll tell you, you’re not alone and it’s completely normal! I have 3 kids myself and one of them always seems to be going through a picky eating stage of some kind. Developmentally, common times for picky eating are around 18 months to 3 years, and then again around the age of 6-7 years old, but it can happen anytime, for no particular rhyme or reason.

Although it’s completely normal, and nothing to worry too much about (unless of course your child is showing signs of malnutrition, or nutrient deficiency, or meals are hugely stressful), adjusting a few little things can really make a huge difference. 

1) Milk drinking: It’s ok to serve milk at meals (no more than 2.5 cups per day max), but I highly suggest NOT serving it in between meals, or little bits throughout the day because it can fill your little one’s tummy and hinder their willingness or desire to eat or try new foods at mealtime (and displace other important nutrients in their diet, like iron!). 

2) All-day snacking: When snacks are available anytime, anywhere, this can also create picky eating behaviors, because, again, your child will come to mealtime full. Make sure that snack times are structured (kids should have eating opps every 2-3 hours), and that the kitchen is closed in between

3) Too much pressure: If kids feel any kind of pressure (whether direct “2 more bites!” or indirect (you hovering over them as they eat, or overemphasizing how amazing a food is) can turn them right off. Focus on your meal, and positive conversation at the table. Trust that your child will listen to their body, and encourage this too. 

Summer Camp Registration Now Open

We’re thrilled to announce our Summer Day Camp Program. Spaces are limited and fill up FAST! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity for an unforgettable summer at The Learning Tree!