Cleaning Car Hacks Every Parent Needs!

The family car is your home away from home and we all know it can get a bit messy when you are traveling with your littles.  While you might cringe in disbelief and disgust each time buckle your child in, know this: 1) You’re not alone; 2) this can be fixed; and 3) you can actually prevent this mess-on-wheel from occurring in the first place. Here, are a few cleaning hacks to help keep your home away from home clean:

Baby Wipe the Windows

You know those millions of baby wipes you have laying around… they are the perfect tool for cleaning your cars dashboard and windows. But that’s not even the best part, they leave behind an anti-static residue, which will help keep the dust away.

Keep Trash Compact

Kids love to have snacks and treats while traveling, and a lot of the time those wrappers tend to end up on the car floor. One way to fix this is put a small container or plastic bag within arm’s reach of your child and allow them to throw their trash away. Then every time you make a stop for gas, empty the bin or bag!

Line Your Cup Holders

Do your silicone cup holders get sticky, dirty and gross?! Try removing the liners, wash them out and pop them right back in!

Cover Seats to Keep the Backs Clean

Kiddos love to climb over seats with dirty shoes… try to put an old shirt or towel over your seats to keep them covered to avoid the dirt getting all over the seats.

Transform Yoga Mats into Floor Mats

Got another yoga mat lying around? Sick of vacuuming your car floors often? We have a solution for you… trace the outline of your floor on your yoga mat and cut it out. Then place your yoga mats on the floor to collect the dirt. Yoga mats are super simple to take out and shake out the dirt.

Magic Erase the Grime Away

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is sure a life saver! The Magic Eraser can be used on any stains or smudges in your car. This eraser is one you won’t want to travel without!