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Halloween Safety Tips!

Tomorrow is Halloween and our centers and kiddos could not be more excited! Halloween has so many fun activities for our kiddos and families… decorating, making and eating yummy treats, dressing up in your favorite costume, and going trick or treating with family and friends. With so many fun activies we wanted to give our families some tips that go along with our Core Values! Weather you are trick-or-treating or just passing out candy we want all families to have the best time celebrating Halloween while staying safe!

So let’s take a look at 3 different scenarios and some safety tips for each!

Pre-Halloween Activities 

One of the main pre-Halloween activities include pumpkin carving! Pumpkin carving is SO fun and children have a blast being crafty.  However it can be very dangerous because you kneed to use a knife in order to cut through the pumpkin. Therefore, some alternatives for this can be to have your kids paint their pumpkins – this can be SO much fun for your kids and allowing them to use their hands and even feet to paint can make them even more excited! Another idea would be to have the kids drawl on the pumpkin then have the adults would cut out their design! There are so many options to make your pumpkins fun and safe!


Trick-or-treating is one of the kids favorite things to do all year long and we want to help you stay safe! Before you even go out trick or treating it is a good idea to have talk with your kids to go over some safety rules… how close they should be to you at all times, what to do in case of an emergency, etc. they should be prepared before anything happens!

Also, another thing to remind and beware of are certain candy’s and treats if your kiddos have allergies. Making a point that you need to check the candy before the kid can have any is a good way to get around this! Also, it could be a good idea to check the candy before the kiddos dive in to make sure nothing is already opened or expired! After those precautions are taking then the candy is ready to be enjoyed!

Staying in to Pass Out Candy

With trick-or-treating hours being from 5:30-9:30pm it can get pretty dark outside for our kiddos. So to help out our kiddos in the dark it is a good idea to make sure that your yards and clean and clear of anything someone could step on. Make sure your decorations are able to be seen in the dark or take them down before it gets dark!

Overall, we love Halloween and we are so excited to celebrate with our kiddos tomorrow! We hope all our families have a fun and safe Halloween! Comment below if you have any other safety tips that you would recommend to families!